This guide outlines the steps needed to get TikTok data from Brand24 into Quid to centralize all social listening data under one platform.

  1. Login to Brand24 and select topic
  2. Select date range for the data you want to export
  3. Tick the TikTok checkbox
  4. Export as excel. Then open the Excel file and save as a CSV.
  5. Goto Quid, click on Get Started button under Upload Your Own Data
  6. Click Next, then type in the Topic you want to upload the TikTok Data to
  7. Upload your CSV file, then click Next
  8. Enter 1 as the row number, then click confirm.
  9. Select the TikTok V2 box.
  10. Apply/Confirm the mapping. You should have the following fields mapped: Record ID, Record Date/Time, Author Name, Record Text, Record URL, Meta Tags.
  11. Done!