Default Keys

Below are simple charts of the default hotkeys and their functions. For more information about binding custom hotkeys or changing default bindings, please run > help keybindings

Please remember that all keys here are rebindable! If you don’t like it, you can change it!

Power User

KeyDescription of function
Ctrl-eOpen a command prompt for running commands (see > help commands for a list of valid commands).
TabIn command prompt, it will autocomplete if possible.
Ctrl-bRun a shell command (this will close micro while your command executes).
KeyDescription of function
ArrowsMove the cursor around
Shift-arrowsMove and select text
Alt(Ctrl on Mac)-LeftArrowMove to the beginning of the current line
Alt(Ctrl on Mac)-RightArrowMove to the end of the current line
HomeMove to the beginning of text on the current line
EndMove to the end of the current line
Ctrl(Alt on Mac)-LeftArrowMove cursor one word left
Ctrl(Alt on Mac)-RightArrowMove cursor one word right
Alt-{Move cursor to previous empty line, or beginning of document
Alt-}Move cursor to next empty line, or end of document
PageUpMove cursor up one page
PageDownMove cursor down one page
Ctrl-Home or Ctrl-UpArrowMove cursor to start of document
Ctrl-End or Ctrl-DownArrowMove cursor to end of document
Ctrl-lJump to a line in the file (prompts with #)
Ctrl-wCycle between splits in the current tab (use > vsplit or > hsplit to create a split)


KeyDescription of function
Ctrl-tOpen a new tab
Alt-,Previous tab
Alt-.Next tab

Find Operations

KeyDescription of function
Ctrl-fFind (opens prompt)
Ctrl-nFind next instance of current search
Ctrl-pFind previous instance of current search

File Operations

KeyDescription of function
Ctrl-qClose current file (quits micro if this is the last file open)
Ctrl-oOpen a file (prompts for filename)
Ctrl-sSave current file

Text Operations

KeyDescription of function
Ctrl(Alt on Mac)-Shift-RightArrowSelect word right
Ctrl(Alt on Mac)-Shift-LeftArrowSelect word left
Alt(Ctrl on Mac)-Shift-LeftArrowSelect to start of current line
Alt(Ctrl on Mac)-Shift-RightArrowSelect to end of current line
Shift-HomeSelect to start of current line
Shift-EndSelect to end of current line
Ctrl-Shift-UpArrowSelect to start of file
Ctrl-Shift-DownArrowSelect to end of file
Ctrl-xCut selected text
Ctrl-cCopy selected text
Ctrl-kCut current line
Ctrl-dDuplicate current line
Alt-UpArrowMove current line or selected lines up
Alt-DownArrowMove current line or selected lines down
Alt-Backspace or Alt-Ctrl-hDelete word left
Ctrl-aSelect all
TabIndent selected text
Shift-TabUnindent selected text


KeyDescription of function
Ctrl-uToggle macro recording (press Ctrl-u to start recording and press again to stop)
Ctrl-jRun latest recorded macro

Multiple Cursors

KeyDescription of function
Alt-nCreate new multiple cursor from selection (will select current word if no current selection)
Alt-Shift-UpSpawn a new cursor on the line above the current one
Alt-Shift-DownSpawn a new cursor on the line below the current one
Alt-pRemove latest multiple cursor
Alt-cRemove all multiple cursors (cancel)
Alt-xSkip multiple cursor selection
Alt-mSpawn a new cursor at the beginning of every line in the current selection
Ctrl-MouseLeftPlace a multiple cursor at any location


KeyDescription of function
Ctrl-gOpen help file
Ctrl-hBackspace (old terminals do not support the backspace key and use Ctrl+H instead)
Ctrl-rToggle the line number ruler

Emacs Style Actions

KeyDescription of function
Alt-fNext word
Alt-bPrevious word
Alt-aMove to start of line
Alt-eMove to end of line

Function Keys.

Warning! The function keys may not work in all terminals!

KeyDescription of function
F1Open help